Megyn Kelly never holds back and always says what she wants, especially when it comes to the horrible Democrats. This time Kelly was crushing Kamala Harris, who’s easily the dumbest and most incompetent vice president we’ve ever seen – the exact reason why hiring for diversity reasons NEVER works out.

Kelly said: “So we’ll laugh at this because it’s obvious drivel. But the left-wing press – they don’t like her. Even the Democrats don’t like her. But remember what they did to [former GOP Vice President] Dan Quayle? She’s not getting that treatment by the press ….

Give it like another six months, and you’ll get the hit piece on why we’re all sexist and misogynist and racist for having any fun at her expense whatsoever…

I did not think she was an idiot. I now think she’s a moron. She’s not that smart. Forgive me, I’m still one of those people who gets wooed by titles like, ‘She was the attorney general in state of California.’ You know, how dumb could she be? Like, dumb. The answer is very, very dumb.”

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