Lola Simpson sat in a wheelchair, likes the small garden through the window at Big Hearts Nursing Home. Another year had passed without any significant changes. Her daughter, Natalie, and son-in-law, Roger, didn’t return her calls or

An older woman leading a solitary life in a nursing home unexpectedly receives visits from her relatives after inheriting a $2.3 million fortune, only for them to face karma and learn a lesson the hard way. Lola Simpson sat in a wheelchair, admiring the small garden through the window of her room at Big Hearts Nursing Home. Yet another year had passed, but Lola’s life saw no significant changes. Her daughter, Natalie, and son-in-law, Roger, didn’t return her calls and didn’t bother to check on her again that year. Exactly six years ago, when Lola was 80, her health began failing her. She needed assistance with the most basic tasks and could barely get things done on her own. Lola had always been a lively and cheery woman, but who could beat the effects of aging? When Natalie realized she’d have to care for her ailing mother, she just kicked her out to live in a nursing home, then settled in her mother’s house with her husband. That time, Natalie very enthusiastically promised Lola that she would visit her often, but year after year, Lola just kept waiting and neither Roger nor Natalie showed up. One day, Lola was very upset. She had a small family album that she’d brought with her when she was admitted to the nursing home, and as she was looking through the pictures of her and Natalie in them, her tears wouldn’t stop falling. A young nurse named Mary saw Lola crying and her heart went out to the poor woman.

“Mrs. Simpson,” she said, approaching her. “Can I help you? Are you okay?” Lola shook her head, wiping her tears. “What do I tell you, darling? This year, my daughter didn’t visit me again. I’ve been waiting for her visit for six years now. Every year, my heart wonders if I’m wasting my time waiting for her. Will she even show up?” Mary sighed, unsure of how to comfort the older woman. She had heard Lola’s story from the other nurses when she started working at the nursing home. She knew Lola’s daughter and son-in-law had evicted her from her home and had never visited her. She had to do something to cheer up Lola’s mood. So Mary forced a smile and said, “You see, Mrs. Simpson, they say that patience always bears fruit. I am sure your life will change one day, and you’ll have so much love around you. Plus, crying doesn’t suit a pretty lady like you. Come on, I want to see a smile on that gorgeous face!”Lola blushed. “Oh, you really have a way with words, darling. I’m sorry for bothering you with all of my troubles. But you know what? I feel a little better. Thank you for listening to me….” “Don’t worry, Mrs. Simpson. I’m around if you ever need someone to listen to your worries. In exchange, I might just ask you for some beauty tips on how you have such beautiful skin!” she joked and Lola chuckled. “I don’t think an old soul like me can take any more of that flattery. I was wondering if….” Lola began talking to Mary about the things on her mind, having forgotten all her troubles. That night at home, Mary couldn’t take Lola out of her head. She was feeling terrible for the woman and had an idea in the back of her mind to help her. But for it to work, she needed to talk to her husband first. “Josh,” she began while they were having dinner. “I know we have a lot on our plates with a small home and three children to look after, but there’s a woman at the nursing home where I work, and she’s really lonely. I was wondering if we could take her in.