King Charles’ shocking demand when traveling revealed by royal expert

At the time being, the royal family receives around £86 million annually from taxpayers, a sum which is to increase to £125 million in 2015 because of the new government plan.
The sovereign grant, or the monarchy’s annual budget, is always matched against the profits from the crown estate. However, it appears that some things were not getting the much-deserved attention.

“The review of the royal funding settlement was heavily spun by the Treasury to give the impression that the king would be taking a pay cut so that crown estate funds could instead be spent on public services,” the Guardian wrote.

“In fact, the report reveals the monarchy is due to receive a huge pay increase, although the rise will not kick in for another two years.”

According to the government, this change would mean that plenty of the money will go to public services.
However, not everyone is happy this change. Graham Smith, chief executive of the anti-monarchy group Republic, now accuses the UK government of “appalling dishonesty.”

“The palace and government are guilty of appalling dishonesty, trying to spin an expected huge funding increase as a cut,” Smith told Yahoo. “How can we add tens of millions of pounds to Charles’ budget when we’re told there must be a cap on child support when schools are struggling to make ends meet?

“When nurses are fighting for a decent pay rise, Charles digs his hands deeper into our pockets,” he added. “He should hang his head in shame at this grab for money and the dishonesty of suggesting it’s a cut.”

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