Just burn the rosemary and you no longer need to spend money at the market (Did you know that?) We are removing inactive members from here. If you want to keep getting our recipes say something.

Health and Aromatic Benefits of Burning Rosemary – 1. Natural Air Freshener: Burning rosemary emits a robust and refreshing scent that can clear out stale odors naturally, making it an excellent alternative to store-bought air fresheners. Its piney fragrance can make your home smell like a Mediterranean garden.
2. Mood Enhancer: Rosemary is renowned for its ability to lift spirits and improve mood. The scent of burning rosemary has been associated with reducing stress levels, alleviating anxiety, and promoting a general sense of well-being.

3. Cognitive Support: Research suggests that the aroma of rosemary can enhance concentration, memory retention, and overall brain performance. Having rosemary burning during times of study or work can create an environment conducive to focus and mental clarity.
4. Antimicrobial Properties: Rosemary has natural antimicrobial and antiseptic qualities. When burned, these properties are dispersed in the air, helping to reduce airborne bacteria and improve indoor air quality.
How to Burn Rosemary
Materials Needed:
Fresh or dried rosemary sprigs
A heat-resistant burning dish or an incense burner
A lighter or matches