I’ve never noticed this before More details in the

Neglecting the Staircase
Having always resided in multi-story homes, I confess, I’ve never paid much heed to our homes’ staircases. Though one stood out as rather grand, I never scrutinized it closely. I rue not examining that staircase more closely, especially now that we’ve relocated, and I’ve recently learned that many staircases harbor a solitary, inverted baluster.A Superstitious Tradition
Observing an upside-down baluster on your staircase might initially seem like a carpenter’s error. However, these balusters are intentionally installed, often steeped in superstition.

The Tradition Behind It
There exists a longstanding tradition among builders and carpenters to install a lone, inverted baluster as a nod to the imperfection of man-made creations, contrasting with the perfection of God’s creatures. Another belief suggests that it serves as a barrier to thwart the devil from ascending the stairs to claim those near death. A Chilling Thought Regardless of the rationale, both explanations send a shiver down my spine! While our current staircase lacks balusters due to its narrowness and enclosed sides, I can’t help but yearn to revisit our former home one day, just to inspect if its staircase bore that distinctive upside-down baluster!

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