A few (Funny)

A few days ago I received a friend request on FB from a young attractive guy about 28 years old… I was curious. I wanted to know why someone that young wanted to be my fb friend. So I accepted it. Then he started sending me private messages. He was very kind. He called me beautiful. He asked my age. I’m not a liar so I told him and reminded him I’m quite a bit his senior. And I let him talk a bit cos (truth be told) flattery ain’t all that bad.

We keep talking for a while and within a short time, he asked if we could talk about ‘ad*lt things’. I said ok. Then he replied with a face like. He said ‘thank you babe, you start.” So I did! I told him adult things like my knees and hips were hurting. My back acts up when it is cold like. He said ‘thank you babe, you start.” So I did! I told him adult things like my knees and hips were hurting. My back acts up when it is cold outside. I explained that I have crazy insomnia, I toss and turn the entire night and that I often have leg cramps, especially when I try to sleep. I mentioned the scars from multiple surgeries and the limp I have from an old injury. And of course I had to throw in the need for daily fiber supplements to prevent passing gas. Can’t forget that one! I was waiting for him to answer me…He blocked me. He wanted to talk about adult things and then don’t take the heat! I think I’m just a bit too much woman for him to handle!

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