Funny Conversation With..

Don’t kids just say the funniest things? That is part of the beauty of having a child. Every day they come up with something new to say that makes you burst out laughing. 4-Year Old Calls 911 When your child is young, you teach them to call 911 for emergencies. It is a pretty important thing to learn and you hope your kid remembers during a true emergency. However, there are times kids have called 911 when it was not a true emergency at all.

There are plenty of occasions where you read about kids calling 911. Sometimes the operator is friendly and other times the child gets reprimanded for calling. This four-year-old boy, Johnny, called because he truly was in what seemed to be an emergency for him: not understanding his math homework. This was an emergency in his mind! He couldn’t remember how to subtract numbers and he was struggling. Luckily, the operator was kind and understanding and even helped him figure out his homework. During their call, you can hear his mom come in and asked him who he is talking to. He then explains innocently that he called the police because that’s what his mom told him if he needed help with something. After realizing what her son had done, she exclaims that what she taught him didn’t mean the police and then the audio ends.

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